Saturday, July 29, 2006

Door Placement

Door placements

Some of the texts suggest that the main door facing South is good and not the one facing West. But many other texts indicate to the contrary. Most of the scholars in the subject are of the opinion that there is no harm in having the West (actually it is the third best after East and North) facing door but the one facing South should be avoided. They point out that we don't do anything or perform any religious function facing South except when we perform the last rites or the death anniversary of the departed souls

It should also be noted that apart from the ancient Shaastras, the age old and prevalent traditional practices too should be taken into consideration in such matters. Since the South is attributed to Yama the Lord of Death, Indians generally do not accept an entrance to a building from the South. It does not matter if the subsidiary door is located in the South. Evil effects of door towards south can be countered to a large extent by having another door towards North North-East or East North-East.

The other subject where the difference erupts is regarding the location of the external door in the facade of the building. Some texts suggest that it should be in the centre. Others indicate that the particular side (between the two extreme sides) should be divided into eight parts and the extreme two i. e. l st & 2nd and 7th & 8th division should be avoided and the other central divisions from 3rd to 6th can be selected for fixing of the main door.

Some other texts say that the side should be divided into nine divisions and each division is to be considered as the being influenced by nine different planets i.e. from (Sun, Moon to Rahu & Ketu) and their good or bad effects have to be known before selecting the particular division for locating the door.

But most of the giants in this field say that the main entrance door should never be located in the centre but it should be always off the centre and in the favourable zone (i.e. North-North East in case of North, East North-East in case of East and West-North West in case of West) but not in the extreme edge in any case.

The entrance door to an office should preferably be in the east or north. East ensures an inflow of new ideas and north signifies the flow of wealth. Nevertheless if it’s from south or west, draw a swastika on the layout plan, wherever there’s an opening in this symbol your premises can have one too. The ideal ration of length-breadth is 1:2. There need not be any creaking sound of door while opening or closing. The door should be fixed absolutely vertical to the floor, it should never slant under any circumstances which is to say it should not close by itself other than using a door closer.


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